
下载Windows上PicPickPortable的旧版本。PicPickPortable所有的旧版本在Uptodown上都是无病毒,并且完全免费的。,PicPick-全功能的設計工具,包含螢幕擷取、圖片編輯器、色彩選擇器、尺規等等...,變更記錄.適用平台.MicrosoftWindows11,10,8.1,8,7,Vista和XP,包括32位元和64位元版本.windows.PicPick.概觀功能下載立即購買.關於我們.聯繫我們合作伙伴 ...,PicPick-All-in-oneGraphicDesign,BestScreenCaptureandRecordingSoft...

PicPick Portable 的旧版本(Windows)

下载Windows 上PicPick Portable 的旧版本。PicPick Portable所有的旧版本在Uptodown上都是无病毒,并且完全免费的。


PicPick - 全功能的設計工具,包含螢幕擷取、圖片編輯器、色彩選擇器、尺規等等...


變更記錄. 適用平台. Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista 和XP,包括32 位元和64 位元版本. windows. PicPick. 概觀功能下載立即購買. 關於我們. 聯繫我們合作伙伴 ...


PicPick - All-in-one Graphic Design, Best Screen Capture and Recording Software, Image Editor, Color Picker, Pixel Ruler and More.

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PicPick - All-in-one Graphic Design, Best Screen Capture and Recording Software, Image Editor, Color Picker, Pixel Ruler and More.

PicPick Portable 5.1.8 (screen capture, editor, color picker) ...

2021年9月9日 — Screen Capture - Take screenshots of the entire screen, an active window, specific region of the screen, free hand, scrolling window and more.

Downloading PicPick 5.1.8 from FileHorse.com

PicPick is a full-featured screen capture app for Windows, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel-ruler, protractor, crosshair, ...

PicPick 5.1.8

2021年9月8日 — PicPick is a screen capture application that includes an image editor and several on-screen measurement tools, including color picker, ...


2021年9月10日 — picpick是一款非常专业的截图软件,picpick软件页面简洁,功能强大,是一个免费有好用的屏幕撷取软件,可以抓取全屏幕或是局部的画面,操作简单,轻松 ...